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The Best Bike Trails and Paths in 圣地亚哥

The Best Bike Trails and Paths in 圣地亚哥

No matter what kind of biking adventure you’re after, the bike trails and paths of 圣地亚哥 offer great options

骑自行车 圣地亚哥 has something for everyone: mountain-bike trails, 铺砌的自行车道, 海岸自行车之旅, 还有让人窒息的公路路线. 无论你是在寻找崎岖的地形来测试你的技能,还是带孩子们去无车的自行车道, these are some of the best bike routes. 如果你想在当地寻找更多的自行车骑行地点,或者想租一辆自行车, there are a number of excellent bike shops in 圣地亚哥, 在拉霍亚, and at locations further north that can serve your needs. 在科罗纳多(Coronado)和洛马角(Point Loma),沿着水边也有很多地方可以租到沙滩自行车.

Best Bike Paths in 圣地亚哥, California

Best Bike Trails in 圣地亚哥 for Mountain Bikers


停车: There are many parking lots in the park; try the large parking lot at Morley Field Drive and Upas Street
路线和距离: 4.5英里

巴波亚公园 由1,200英亩的土地就在圣地亚哥的中心,这个便利的位置使这些山地自行车道成为当地人最喜欢的地方. 开始 4.5英里的“巴尔博亚环线” around the perimeter of the park. 你必须绕着高尔夫球场上路,然后在东北角再走一遍. 然后, 沿着潘兴大道(Pershing Drive)开辟额外的自行车道,体验各种不同的山地自行车圈.

Mission Trails Regional Park

停车: At the visitor center or the Father Junipero Serra trailhead

Mission Trails Regional Park 拥有8000英亩崎岖的圣地亚哥自行车道和东北部的开放空间 圣地亚哥县. The main artery, Father Junipero Serra Trail, is a fairly easy paved 2.5-mile multi-use hike and bike trail, 但你可以从那里沿着福尔图纳鞍道前行,或者沿着周边的自行车道骑行. 北福尔图纳步道的技术含量更高,你应该会看到一些岩石. If you’re a more advanced rider, 在公园东侧的大岩石步道入口处停车,沿着山地自行车道上到考尔斯山,再上派尔斯峰. 看看 轨迹图 before you go—some routes are closed to cyclists.


停车:便士松小径起点或日出高速公路旁的小径起点免费停车, but parking at the lower trailhead in Pine Valley requires 一张5美元的冒险通行证
路线和距离: 18英里

Considered to have the best mountain biking trails in 圣地亚哥, 诺布尔峡谷位于城市以东约40分钟路程的拉古纳山一侧. Noble Canyon, part of the Forest Service, 拥有数英里的技术单轨山地自行车道,最受欢迎的是穿越三个不同地形的10英里下坡骑行. 你可以把车停在较低的步道起点,沿着铺好的松树溪大道骑行,然后沿着极其困难的诺布尔峡谷自行车道下行,全程骑行. 穿梭, 然而, is also an option for downhill riders, 谁会从日出高速公路的起点出发,然后直接下山. For a lighter ride, take Big Laguna to the Meadow Spur. 看看 圣地亚哥 Mountain Biking Association’s trail map to plan the perfect route for you.

Best Bike Paths in 圣地亚哥, California

Best Bike Trails and Paths in 圣地亚哥 for Casual Riders

Rose Canyon Bike Path and Trail

路线和距离: 1-5.5英里

Rose Canyon bike trail has a little bit of something for everyone. Located at the end of Santa Fe Street, 毗邻5号公路, this paved path continues north for just over a mile, running through the canyon and next to the railroad tracks. The paved bike path ends at La Jolla Colony Drive, but a short ride will spit you out to the right on the dirt bike trail into 玫瑰峡谷空地, 它通过铁轨连接到玫瑰峡谷主要的平坦越野自行车道,穿过一个安静的峡谷. 你也可以把车停在Genesee大道上,从玫瑰峡谷步道的北端出发.

Best Bike Paths in 圣地亚哥, California

Silver Strand Coronado Bike Trail

停车: Park on the street in Coronado or Imperial Beach, or in the Bayshore Bikeway parking lot, 沿着75号高速公路向北行驶,在自行车道两英里处
路线和距离: 7英里

银色沙滩是一条长长的白色沙滩,连接着科罗纳多和帝国海滩. 它也是圣地亚哥最好的专用无车自行车道之一的所在地:海湾自行车道. Start your ride at Imperial Beach on the south end, or park in Coronado and enter the bike path by the golf course. The bike path passes through a number of 圣地亚哥 parks, including 银滩州立海滩. 8月, 单车湾活动 lets people ride across the Coronado bridge too.

Best Bike Paths in 圣地亚哥, California


停车: Bonita湾、Crown Point公园及De Anza湾公园均设有停车场

使命湾, located on the north side of 圣地亚哥, 是由4,000英亩湿地, 沼泽地, 还有咸水湾. 它的海岸线上还有一条很受欢迎的圣地亚哥自行车道,这让你很容易, 平, 美丽的旅程. 来回跑,或者绕12英里,经过公园、海滩、水道和桥梁. The majority of the bike route is on a protected, 无车自行车道, but you will have to get on the road briefly at 使命湾 Drive. 如果你想增加, 在嘉年华岛上,这条四英里长的山地自行车道很受公路自行车爱好者的欢迎,经常举办比赛. 看看 this 观澜湾自行车道 page for more information.

Best Bike Paths in 圣地亚哥, California

Best Bike Trails and Paths in 圣地亚哥 for Road Cyclists

Point Loma/Cabrillo Monument Bike Route

停车:科利尔公园. Loma
路线和距离: 16英里

There are multiple ways to explore this 圣地亚哥 bike route, which is a staple for local riders in the city. One option: Park at Collier Park or on neighborhood streets nearby, 然后穿过附近的街道,到达日落悬崖大道,沿着海岸骑行. 然后沿着拉德拉街走到卡塔琳娜大道(后来成为卡布里洛纪念大道)。. Ride the rolling hills all the way to the 卡布里洛国家纪念碑 for one of 圣地亚哥’s prettiest bike routes. 你可以在那里掉头,或者花10美元骑自行车进入公园,然后再走几英里到灯塔和潮汐池. 你回来的时候, 你可以原路返回,也可以绕一圈,穿过多山的社区,经过自由站, before coming back on Chatsworth Boulevard through the Loma Portal. (请查看 圣地亚哥 Reader’s turn-by-turn details for this 圣地亚哥 bike trail.)

Pacific Coast Highway Bike Routes

路线和距离: 40英里

太平洋海岸公路, 顾名思义, runs along the coast and is one of the top 圣地亚哥 routes for cyclists, 跑步者, 和步行者. 它是, 然而, 这条路也很受司机和冲浪者的欢迎,这意味着交通可能会很拥挤,骑自行车的人应该小心,警惕突然的变化,比如车门打开. You can start biking anywhere along the PCH and ride as far as you want, but if you’re looking to avoid downtown, 你可以在加州大学圣地亚哥分校的北端停车,然后沿着Torrey Pines路向北开始你的自行车路线 Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve, a 2,000-acre park with cliffs that overlook the water. Looking for a good stopping point? 阁下的咖啡馆 in  is a popular place to fuel up.

Mt. 帕洛马自行车道

路线和距离: 40英里

Of course 圣地亚哥 bike trails along the coast are lovely, 但圣地亚哥骑自行车的人要在城市东部的山区和丘陵上花费同样多的英里. If you want to hit the Alpe d’Huez of 圣地亚哥, ride up 帕山, which is one of the most popular 圣地亚哥 biking routes. The bike climb itself is a bit more than12 miles, starting at the intersection of Highway 76 and Valley Center Road. Be aware that the first five miles are on busy narrow roads, 但一旦你转到南级路,你就没有交通了,有18个岔道在等着你. 在顶端, refuel at the Palomar General Store, 然后沿着东坡路(East Grade Road)下坡,一睹亨肖湖(Lake Henshaw)的风采,然后在帕拉路(Pala Road)返回自行车路线的起点. 或者你可以试试 the 91-mile version recommended by the pros.


There’s a reason biking in 圣地亚哥 is so popular, but before you head out on any of these 圣地亚哥 bike trails be sure to 看看这些建议 for a safe and enjoyable ride. Know your route and follow road rules; all riders over 18 must wear a helmet. 如果你对自己出门犹豫不决,可以考虑参加自行车之旅或骑行活动. And if you get inspired to keep riding, check out some of the pros’ picks for the best California bike routes.



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