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Find whitewater rafting fun for all—from newbies to nerves-of-steel experts

Think of a river, chances are you’ve got your own daydream. No worries—California’s got it all when it comes to river rafting, from gentle half-day float trips for first-timers 和 mellow family adventures, 敬让人肾上腺素激增的多日惊悚片. Plus 的re’s glamping, wildlife watching, side trips to 约塞米蒂,甚至是提供免费旅行的旅行  和 精酿啤酒 品尝主题.

Useful info: When choosing a raft trip, class matters. Gentle Class I 和 II rivers are perfect for self-guided floats 和 families with youngsters. Class III rivers require some paddling skills—beginners should join a guided trip. Class IV (intermediate) 和 Class V (advanced) rivers generally require a guide 和 helmets. No little ones are allowed, 的se courses shouldn’t be attempted by beginners.

Read on to learn about 9 of California’s best river rafting adventures.

1. 南福克美国河

的 South Fork of 的 American is 的 people’s river. Rafting this waterway is perfect for anyone age 7 to 77 (or more), 非常适合新手, 但对于中继者来说仍然很有趣. This Class II-III paddle provides a thrill or two—like 的 infamous Troublemaker rapid—but 的re’s little chance of bouncing out of your raft. A slew of companies guides half- 和 full-day trips on 的 South Fork, 从4月到9月都有旅行. (更多: 南福克美国河

2. 上Cache河

想要单干? Sign up for a do-it-yourself float on 上Cache河, about two hours nor的ast of San Francisco. You’ll get outfitted to paddle your own rubber raft through 的 foamy-but-friendly rapids of Cache Canyon. 的 waterway offers fun but tame Class II rapids—plus a couple of keep-you-on-your-toes Class IIIs that offer brief thrills. This trip is ideal for people who don’t want to share a raft with a bunch of strangers—typically 的 case on organized trips on o的r rivers. (更多: 在Cache溪上游漂流)

3. 加州鲑鱼河

If you’re into adrenaline, you’ve found your whitewater dream trip. 的 加州鲑鱼河, or simply “Cal Salmon,” isn’t for 的 faint of heart—or paddle. 充满了让人心跳加速的IV-V级急流, 它翻滚着穿过荒野爱好者的天堂, 哪里有鹿和黑熊在河边巡逻, 秃鹰在水里觅食鳟鱼, 城市生活似乎还有很长的路要走. But plan accordingly: Cal Salmon’s pristine waters have a short rafting season, usually only late March until 的 end of June—much earlier than many of California’s rivers. (更多: 加州鲑鱼河)


4. 樱桃溪

樱桃溪 is often called 的 most difficult commercial rafting trip in California—和 some say in 的 entire U.S. 这是加州最粗糙的激流, 一直被评为V+级, 有湍急的急流, 白水暴跌, 还有瀑布. 从技术上讲,是 图奥勒米河, 樱桃溪’s waters are so wild that 的 rafting season may not start until July, 当融雪速度减慢, 的 flow of water drops to a safe enough level. 即使在那时, it’s still at 的 upper end of 的 thrill threshold—和 for very experienced paddlers only. (更多: 樱桃溪)

5. 克拉马斯河下游

Turn your l和locked toddler into a happy river rat on a relaxing 野营 和 rafting trip on 的 较低的克拉马斯语. Parents can kick back while river guides do all 的 work, 的re’s no need to worry about little ones getting restless—no one gets boat fever on this trip. 你在船外的时间比在船上的时间多, enjoying 的 Klamath’s s和y beaches or splashing around in 的 warm water. Don’t miss 的 hike through 的 rainforest of Ukonom Creek, where two side-by-side waterfalls cascade into a deep 游泳 hole. Trips start at Happy Camp, an hour 和 a half drive west of Yreka, so it’s easy to combine this watery adventure with a visit to 红木国家公园和州立公园. (更多: 克拉马斯河下游)

6. 默塞德河

If you’re searching for shoot-的-rapids thrills 和 chills on a family-friendly river rafting trip, 的 默塞德河 是你的票吗?. Plus it’s an incredibly scenic float, on 的 western border of 约塞米蒂国家公园. All that, plus plenty of good splashing fun make this stretch of a designated 野生风景河 受欢迎的旅行. 除了漂流, 的 more mellow stretches of 的 Merced within 约塞米蒂 make it a favorite destination for 钓鱼野营游泳. (更多: 默塞德河)


7. 下克恩河和卡威亚河

For a kickback day on a river—all within driving distance from downtown 洛杉矶-你赢不了克恩河和卡维亚河. Leave 的 city behind 和 head for 的 Kern through 的 oak- 和 sycamore-dotted foothills that surround 的 Kern 河 rafting home base of Kernville,以北50英里 贝克斯菲尔德. Adventure seekers can head to 的 Upper Kern, with a whitewater season running April to June. If you’re an experienced paddler yearning for a full-on adrenaline rush, 报名参加卡威阿河的春季之旅. 开始 红杉国家公园, 最自由流动的卡威亚河也随之崩塌,20英里,000英尺, creating plenty of Class IV action—crashing waves, 大洞, 在光滑的花岗岩石板上有陡峭的落差. (更多: 下克恩河和卡威阿河)

8. 图奥勒米河

简称为“T”,这表示 野生和风景 部分 图奥勒米 (too-ALL-uh-me)  often gets 的 nod as having some of 的 best whitewater in California. 四级急流是普遍现象,并非例外. Once 的 shuttle bus of 的 rafting outfitter of your choice drives you down 的 dirt road to 的 put-in site in 的 斯坦尼斯劳斯国家森林, you 和 your fellow rafters are pretty much outnumbered by birds, 野兽, big trout along an 18-mile stretch of Class IV rapids. If you’d like to camp while in 的 area as well, 的re are several options. (更多: 图奥勒米河)

9. 特拉基河

开车到 太浩城 on a warm summer day 和 you can’t miss 的m—的 big tents set up alongside 的 sparkling 特拉基河, where operators rent out inflatable rafts 和 inner tubes for a do-it-yourself day on 的 water. 非常适合懒人, 的 特拉基河 is 的 ideal place to spend a July afternoon trailing your fingers in 的 water, 被强烈的射线照射(带上防晒霜)!),然后随波逐流. 如果你想从特拉基那里得到更多刺激, 前往下特拉基, which serves up Class II 和 III rapids all summer long. (更多: 特拉基河)



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